Maneesha Ruia

Maneesha Ruia Maneesha Ruia Maneesha Ruia
Country USA
Address 3599 Great Northern Hwy, Muchea

The Maneesha Ruia collections have comprised of woven and knitted scarves, shawls, capes, wraps, ponchos, and jackets.

The Designer

Maneesha began her career by creating handbags, totes, evening clutches, scarves, and tunics for worldwide fashion houses using leather and diverse textiles. The skilled graphic designer was naturally talented in design. During this time, Oprah’s top 10 Christmas buy list included one of her products, a purse she made for a client.

Maneesha was naturally entrepreneurial because she was raised in a business household. She combined it with her success as a designer, which resulted in the opening of her own label. She debuted in the fashion industry in 2013 under the name “Maneesha Ruia.”


The founder hopes to produce mindful and sustainable collections in the future now that the company has been effectively established. Maneesha’s staff is proof that she walks the walk when it comes to ethics, which has been a key component of her company strategy. The designer has future plans to broaden the product selection and turn the company into a complete lifestyle luxury brand.


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